April 5, 2007

Hikage, Takao Area (April 5th)

Viola yezoensis f. discolor (Takao Sumire)

Today I went to Hikage creak in the Takao area to see if any Viola yezoensis f. discolor (Takao Sumire) flowers are blooming. I found quite a few of them by the creek and also could find many Anemone flaccida (Nirinsou) and Viola bisseti (Nagaba no Sumire Saishin). Asarum caulescens (Futaba Aoi) and Oxalis griffithii var. kantoensis (Kantou Miyama Katabami) are all over the place at the cedar forest beside the creek.

日 影沢沿いにタカオスミレを探しに行ってきました。色彩や花の形、どれをとっても自分の大好きなスミレのひとつです。シックでエレガントだと思いません か?沢沿いの林床には、ナガバノスミレサイシン、フタバアオイ、カントウミヤマカタバミが沢山咲いていました。ニリンソウもまだまだ見ごろです。蛇滝口か ら梅郷を通り抜けて駅に戻ったのですが、ヤマエンゴサクのお花畑を見つけることができました。

The leaves are copper colored.

Pretty hairy violet...

This one has more greenish leaves. The one with green leaves is Viola yezoensis (Hikage Sumire). I found the ones, which showed the character at the middle of both violets, here and there.

This one has totally green leaves, so it must be Viola yezoensis (Hikage Sumire).

Viola eizanensis (Eizan Sumire)

Viola bisseti (Nagaba no Sumire Saishin)

Asarum caulescens (Futaba Aoi)

Milvus migrans (Black Kites, Tobi or Tombi in Japanese.)

Oxalis griffithii var. kantoensis (Kantou Miyama Katabami)

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