March 28, 2008

Yoshino Baigo, Hinatawada (March 22nd)

Ume no Kouen at Ome city.

We went to see the plum blossom garden from the Hinatawada sta. in Ome city. This whole town is famous for plums and lots of farmer's yards open to the visitors in this season. First, we stopped by the JA store to get some mustard greens and Umeboshi (pickled plum) made by the local farmers, and then headed to the main plum garden. There were lots of people enjoying the amazing scenery filled with plum blossoms. The garden is located on the hills and the whole hills are covered with white and bright pink, smoky pink, and dark red blossoms of plums. After having lunch there, we walked down to the Futamatao sta. following the stamp rally.


Plum blossom named "Shooku no Chou" (Butterfly in the study).


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