December 7, 2010

Upset with His Ignorance.

I found a shocking article on the internet this morning.
It was about some ignorant comment made by Governor Ishihara Shintaro of Tokyo.
He said, "I feel gay people lack must be caused by their genes. I pity them because they are minority." And he added that he thinks it is outrageous that some gay (queer) people are on TV programs so often nowadays...something like that...
He made such a comment while they do some "Human Rights" campaign on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website. Can you believe this?
In U.S. President Obama participates in the campaign of "The Trevor Project" to prevent young gay people from committing suicide. Compared with that, Governor Ishihara is the one who "lacks" something crucial for a politician, or a human being.


何だか「また?」と呆れる一方、「公人としてこんな発言するのは、やっぱりおかしいだろ!」とムカムカして、都のサイトから「都知事への提言」として意見 を送りました。で、都のサイトを見ると、今週はちょうど「人権週間」のキャンペーン中。都のトップがその最中に、こんな発言するなんて、無知すぎます。

アメリカではThe Trevor Projectの自殺防止キャンペーンに大統領も参加してるのに…確かに、石原氏と一国の大統領を比較すること自体、無理があるかもしれませんが、それで も彼が社会に与えるインパクトは自覚するべきだと思う。品位に欠けているとしか言いようがない。


Jessi said...

Wow...that is ignorant to say the least. I'm glad it's not just me that's bothered by comments like that one.

Great blog!

bioskop said...

Thank you, Jessi.
Here in Japan, the news was only shown in the tiny article on the internet newspaper...and it doesn't become any big news at all...

I found that they even include the human rights of gay people in the campaign of Tokyo Metropolitan Government. They put it clearly on the list shown on their website.